NovaCore brings unprecedented visibility into the total wellbeing of your employees, so you can proactively intercept burnout and attrition, and help employees sustain peak performance.

NovaCore System design
UX Researcher
Dir. of Engineering
Product Manager
UX Designer
Tech Lead
Adobe Illustrator
The Problem
NovaCore helps people switch off autopilot by giving them a place a pause and think, not about how busy they are, but about how fulfilled they are, across their whole life. This not only acts as the first early warning signal to burnout, but also guides people on where to set an intention for their week.
Unlike goals that focus on specific future targets and outcomes, intentions are a more general aim or purpose – something people want to do, be or feel, either in the moment or over time. Think “improve ability to inspire others” as opposed to “get promoted by summer”. This practice raises self-awareness and helps people intentionally create a life with less burnout, so they can do their best work.
Reflections & Gratitude
NovaCore helps people overcome their “always on” mindset that leads to burnout and poor performance through an end-of-week reflection. This gives people another chance to pause amidst the chaos and consciously think about their week, their intention and what they’ve learned, as well as achieved.
Wrapping up the reflection with gratitude isn’t an accident. Gratitude is proven to decrease negative emotions, foster healthier relationships, and enable authentic community building – essential ingredients for creating a workplace environment people love.
Personal History & Insights
NovaCore puts people back in control of their life by giving them the visibility and awareness to better understand themselves. People can look back on where they’ve been to help them learn, grow, and plan for what’s next – whether it’s revisiting an existing intention or starting something new.
Personal Insights build over time, highlighting unique patterns people might otherwise miss, so they can avoid rock bottoms and keep burnout at bay.
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Bringing NovaCore into the workplace not only gives us a better shot at harnessing the power of community to shift people’s mindset, it also provides the most value to the most people – from individuals that improve their health and well-being, to leaders who also see better performance, engagement and retention across their employees. We’re creating a world where everyone wins.
Daily Journaling
NovaCore helps people overcome their “always on” mindset that leads to burnout and poor performance through an end-of-week reflection. This gives people another chance to pause amidst the chaos and consciously think about their week, their intention and what they’ve learned, as well as achieved.
Wrapping up the reflection with gratitude isn’t an accident. Gratitude is proven to decrease negative emotions, foster healthier relationships, and enable authentic community building – essential ingredients for creating a workplace environment people love.
Settings & Analytics
NovaCore brings unprecedented views into employee sentiment through collective insights that anonymize and aggregate the data and trends across all people. These insights are accessible to anyone using the app inside the organization, bringing a new level of company-wide accountability and transparency that fosters trust and honesty. This increases the data integrity, and enables businesses to make better decisions for both their people and the business.
Dark Mode
Workers spend about one-third of their life, or roughly 90,000 hours in the workplace, so it’s where we can see the biggest impact when burnout is reduced, to both individuals and organizations.
And we take many of our cultural cues from our workplace community – what gets prioritized, what gets discussed, and what doesn’t get mentioned by those around us at work, all give us signals about where we should spend our time, what we should focus on and what we can neglect.